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Three tips to increase the efficiency of your air conditioner.


Australian weather experiences significant heat during the summer months. It becomes almost impossible to survive the scorching during these months, making it essential for you to have an air conditioning system to keep you comfortable. 

There are different types of air conditioners available in the market. It’s best to analyse the needs of your house and then go for the system that perfectly matches your requirements. There are broadly four types of air conditioners available in Australia, namely:

  • Ducted Air Conditioners
  • Split System Air Conditioners
  • Portable Air Conditioners
  • Multi-use Split System Air Conditioners

Each of these systems has its pros and cons. However, you may go for the system that matches the aesthetics of your home and provides you with the most efficient results. If you have doubts regarding the suitable one, you may get the help of split system installation Melbourne experts. They will not just help you select the best system for you but also take care of its installation.    

Tips For Improving Air Conditioner Efficiency This Summer.

  • Service your unit before the arrival of summers.

It’s always good to have your system serviced before the summers. A checkup by the expert technicians for the underlying issues will help you get hold of the problem before it comes grave. In addition to this, regular servicing will extend the life of your air conditioner and save you a significant amount of energy bills in the long run.  

  • Clean and check your filters regularly. 

Ideally, one should undertake cleaning of filters at least once a year. This will help clean the dirty filters which have accumulated dust over time. If required, you should get the filters replaced. It can lead to poor functioning of your unit as dirt build-up will make the system less efficient. Additionally, it adds load on the system, making it work harder to cool the area. 

Thus, it would help if you got your filters cleaned and checked with air conditioning service experts. They will give you the right suggestion and help you maintain your system in good shape.    

  • Clean around your outdoor unit

The outdoor unit of an air conditioner requires free and clear air circulation to operate at the best of its capabilities. If the compressor is shunted towards the wall, then it may not be able to work efficiently. It will not get the space that it requires to circulate the air.

Also, clean the pile of leaves or other debris around the unit, to clear the blockage. Trimming of shrubs, grass and plants around the unit will make it easy for it to circulate the air.

Thus, it is necessary to have the outdoor unit of your air conditioner clean and appropriately installed.  

Following some of the simple tips that are stated above will help you keep your system in tip-top condition for a long time. It will also extend the lifespan of your air conditioner, providing fresh air for a very long time. Regular maintenance of the system is key to its good health and shouldn’t be neglected at any cost.